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Friday, October 30, 2009


Jessica Watson on Ella's Pink Lady taken on 24 October

"We're making

the most of the wind
and loving the good progress
while it lasts." said Jessica Watson

Jessica's saga to become the youngest person to circumnavigate the globe non-stop and unassisted has been narrated in our posting 'Schoolgirl To Set World Record' on 19 October 2009.

This posting attempts to update briefly Jessica's experience and achievement thus far.

It has been twelve days since Jessica Watson set sail from Sydney harbor on her voyage around the world which will take about eight months.

Jessica is doing great and has passed 1,000 nautical miles mark of her 23,000 miles journey. She has left Tasman behind and now heading towards Fiji, Samoa and Line Islands which include Christmas Island at the Equator before turning south to South America.

Jessica is an excellent author. She writes almost everyday in her blog describing her feelings, routine, chores and experience sailing solo. For example, she described about her unexpected visitors, "
When it got light this morning I did my usual check around Ella's Pink Lady to find a whole lot of little squid lying on the deck where they'd clearly got stuck after jumping on board during the night..."

When answering question on what it's like at night out there, she said, " I think a lot of people get goose bumps when they think about being out here all by themself because I think most people imagine it to be like a night in the suburbs all quiet and eerie. But it’s not like that at all. Firstly, because there's the constant noise and motion of the boat. Then there's the waves and wind for company! On a clear night the stars are pretty amazing ...."

Despite being just about two weeks into her solo voyage, Jessica Watson has already captured the interest and imagination of the world audience, with over 400,000 hits per day on her websites and thousands of comments on her blog. These comments include ours which were sent on 24 and 29 October 2009, one of them is as follows:

BloggerArRaina said...

Hi Jess,

Greetings from Malaysia. I'm following your voyage, Jess. Love your postings and pics.

A wise man once said, " To begin a journey one must have courage; to finish a journey one must have perseverance." We really admire you, Jess. You are special to our family for your vision, determination and courage. I'm sure you will persevere till you succeed.

Since you are special, I have posted your saga in my blog dated 19 October.

My daughter Iva in London, son Dr Izad in Ireland, Iza, Idlan, my wife and I in Malaysia pray for your safety and successful voyage. Amen.

October 29, 2009 7:17 PM

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